Infrastructure | Universidade Feevale


Banner central - sala de atendimento individual - CIP

CIP - Integrated Psychology Center

The Integrated Center of Psychology is a complementary part of the course of Psychology at Feevale University. Created in August 2004, the space aims to promote scientific advances in the area and the qualification of professionals to develop knowledge, skills and abilities from the articulation between teaching, research and extension.

Clínica Escola de Fisioterapia

School Clinico of Physiotherapy

Offers community care programs in neurology (for children and adults), traumatology, dermatology functional, sports physioterapy, respiratory therapy, community health and worker´s and hidrotherapy.


Studies Laboratoryof Physical Activity, Exercise and Sports (LEAFES)

The laboratory provides technical and scientific support for the classes of graduation and postgraduate courses. In it are assisted individuals from the community in general, both athletes and non-athletes, to conduct evaluations through ergometric and ergospirometric tests and basal metabolic rate; power test anaerobic; in it is avaluated body composition and are given guidelines and prescriptions for exercise. cardiopulmonar exercise.

Banner central - centro de inclusão e ergonomia

Research Center on Inclusion and Ergonomics

It is a space that enables the integration of different research, teaching and extension developed in the institution, with the object of study inclusion and universal accessibility from various perspectives, considering the human and technological, human and environmental interfaces and human- organizational, in the light of different fields of study, such as Information, Design, Communication, Psychology, Education, Sociology and Physiotherapy, featuring a proposal multi and interdisciplinary.

Banner central - Estúdio de Produção Fotográfica

Photographic Production Studio

Photographic studio and digital laboratory, which has the best equipment for professional practice.

Campus II, Prédio Amarelo, rooms 201 and 301
Museu do Calçado

National Shoe Museum

Backed by several regional and national entities, the National Shoe Museum (MNC) has its head office in Campus I Feevale University. The museu is a space that preserves the memory of the leather-footwear activity in the country, keeping a permanent exhibition of its collection, beyond to promote cultural activities related to the issue of shoe design and fashion.

Banner Pinacoteca


The Pinacoteca organizes promotions and disclosures of proven value cultural exhibitions. Its main objective is to establish relations with the community from artistic ativities, making it a place for the realization of projects related to Visual Arts, through organization of exhibitions, acquiring Works of art for the collection of formation and preservation of this cultural heritage on the institution.

Banner Central - Laboratório de Projetos de TI

Laboratories of Computer courses

Banner central - Connected Classroom

Connected Classroom

This lab is a space where teachers and students can experience diferente ways of teaching and learning, through the use of technology in the classroom, emphasizing the interactivity.

Banner central - Radiophonic Production Laboratory

Radiophonic Production Laboratory

Destined for the radio production, the laboratory consists of two recording studios, audio operation, operation room, writing and classroom. It this laboratory some classes can use the place, and may even have community participation in the discussion, either by phone or the lobby of the building.

Setor de Educação a Distância

Distance Education Division (EaD)

The sector of Distance Education, has a team that provides pedagogical and tecnological support and develop materials, supportig teachers, tutors and students, both virtual how.

Tv Feevale

Television Production Laboratory and Recording Studio

The laboratory has suitable equipment and environment for capturing, editing and picture completion; Has, still, with DVD players and television and a space to watch the presentation of audiovisual material.


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