Coordination and Faculty | Universidade Feevale

Coordination and Faculty


Daniel Conte

Doctor in Brazilian, Portuguese and Luso-African Literature
Areas of expertise: Literature, identity, culture and speech
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8939

Permanent Faculty

Claudia Schemes

Doctor in History
Areas of expertise: Contemporaneous history; culture and fashion
Fields of Research: Memory and Identity
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8958

Cleber Cristiano Prodanov

Doctor in Social History
Areas of expertise: Culture history; memory; identity; festivals and cultural expressions
Fields of Research: Memory and Identity
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8745

Cristina Ennes da Silva

Doctor in History
Areas of expertise: Memory; identity; representation; imaginary; childhood; leisure and work
Fields of Research: Memory and Identity
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8865

Ernani Cesar de Freitas

Doctor in Language
Areas of expertise: Language and work, communication and organizational culture, studies of discourse and communication processes 
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8969

Ernani Mügge

Doctor in Language
Areas of expertise: Education, Linguistics, Letters and Arts.
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Professora Juracy

Juracy Ignez Assmann Saraiva

Doctor in Linguistics and Language
Field of Expertise: narrative, Brazilian literature and comparative literature
Field of research: Language and Communicative Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8682
Laura Marcela Ribero Rueda - 0172730

Laura Marcela Ribero Rueda

Doctor in Visual Arts
Areas of expertise: theory and criticism of art, artistic and imagery creation, identity and culture
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes.
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 

Magna Lima Magalhães

Doctor in History
Areas of expertise: Culture; history; identity and memory
Fields of Research: Memory and Identity 
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8958

Marinês Andrea Kunz

Doctor in Linguistics and Language
Areas of expertise: Literature; film; culture and identity
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8939

Professora Sandra Portella

Sandra Portella Montardo

Doctor in Social Communication
Areas of expertise: Digital Communication, performance studies, software studies.
Research Line: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8949

Saraí Patricia Schmidt

Doctor in Teaching
Areas of expertise: Culture and consumption; media and culture; youth and culture; media and children; media and teaching
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 8949

Collaborating Teachers

professora Aurora

Aurora Alcaide Ramírez

PhD in Visual Arts
Areas of expertise: Visual arts, art theory and criticism, artistic creation, memory and cultural identity, migratory aesthetics.
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Telephone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 9000
Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro - 0034737

Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro

Doctor in Social Communication 
Area of Expertise: Industry and creative contents, games and communication
Fields of research: Creative contents
E-mail address:
Phone number: 55 51 3586 8800 - Extension:  8762

Paul B. Dixon

PhD in Romance Languages
Field of Expertise: Languages and culture
Field of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes
Phone: (51) 3586-8800 ext. 9000

Scholar Professor – Capes Project Public Notice PNPD (Postdoctoral National Plan)

Fernando Simões Antunes Junior 

Doctor in Social Communication
Areas of expertise: Communication, Emotions, Neurolinguistic, Rhetori e Discourse.
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes.

Teacher -Young Scientist Award CNPq

Gelson Vanderlei Weschenfelder

Doctor in Education
Areas of expertise: Education; Psychopedagogical Intervention; Comics; Teacher training; Pop Culture.
Fields of Research: Languages and Communicational Processes.

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