18/09/2017 - Atualizado 08h15min
The event is taking place from September 24th to 28th, in Kyoto
Faculty of the master's degree in Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis of Feevale University, Mariele Feiffer Charão and Marina Venzon Antunes, are attending the 15th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology. Considered as the world's most important event on therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical toxicology, the congress is held in Kyoto, Japan, from September 24th to 28th.
According to Miss Antunes, the congress may divulge the researches which are taken at the Institution at the same time that it provides an opportunity to share experiences with foreign institutions’ researchers in this very same area. As to Miss Charão, the event will certainly lead to great knowledge. ‘My expectation is of an event that brings about deep learning in an extremely relevant area of Toxicology, which is the therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical toxicology’, she says.
Six papers will be presented, two oral presentations and four posters, all of them resulting from faculty’s researches in collaboration with the coordinator of the master's degree in Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis, professor Rafael Linden. The researches have also had the expertise contribution of undergraduate, master's and doctoral academics. On the occasion, the 17th edition of the event will be announced to be hosted in Brazil, in 2019, which will count on faculty Mr. Linden, Mariele and Marina as members of the organizing committee.
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