Feevale University signs agreement with Université Laval in Canada | Universidade Feevale

Feevale University signs agreement with Université Laval in Canada

18/06/2019 - Atualizado 10h10min

Research of the Master’s in Materials Technology and Industrial Processes will be benefited

Feevale University started a cooperation agreement with Université Laval, from Québec in Canada. This agreement connected the graduate studies in Materials Technology and Industrial Processes fom Feevale with the graduate studies in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from the Canadian institution. This partnership enables the exchange of students and professors of master’s and doctorates, the development of joint programs, the participation of students in short courses in both universities, among other possibilities.

According to the PPG researcher in Materials Technology and Industrial Processes of Feevale, Professor Fabrício Celso, the agreement allows mobility for both teachers and students between the two universities and facilitates the joint projects and researches. "Besides the two programs, other graduate study programs from both institutions might be benefited," he explains.


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