Feevale University and the Brazilian Post launch a customized stamp | Universidade Feevale

Feevale University and the Brazilian Post launch a customized stamp

25/02/2016 - Atualizado 09h33min
Stamp honors the 100th anniversary of the space that now houses Campus I and Feevale Elementary and Secondary School

Feevale University and CORREIOS (Brazilian Post and Telegraph Corporation - ECT) launched, last Monday, February 22, the customized stamp that honors the 100th anniversary of the space that now houses Campus I and Feevale Elementary and Secondary School. Inajara Vargas Ramos, rector, and ASPEUR - Feevale University Sponsor’s representatives, as well as CORREIOS’ and Häme University of Applied Sciences – Hamk’s representatives (who are in Novo Hamburgo to discuss strategic topics with Feevale) attended the ceremony.
Luiz Ricardo Bohrer, ASPEUR’s president, considered that there are few institutions that carry with them the importance of having a century-old structure. "When the Marist Brothers, a hundred years ago, had the noble intention of building a place to foster education, they certainly did not think that, a century later, the space would reach such a representative and historical level to Novo Hamburgo and surrounding areas. I would like to thank the Post for taking the name of Feevale University to the far corners of our Brazil, "Bohrer said.
The Rector, Inajara Vargas Ramos, reiterated that this was a very special moment, which, besides bringing the entire history of the first hundred years, takes place in this administration, honoring even more its role before society. "It is the continuation of some people’s dream that, through education, mobilize crowds until the present days. This seeks to perpetuate and enhance the principles of education, " she said.
According to César Henrique Becker, Rio Grande do Sul’s outsourced post service network manager, the historical building deserves any and all tributes. “The century-old place, deserves all and any mention, it honors this city’s dwellers. As a Novo Hamburgo’s dweller it is very rewarding to know that there is a university with community ideas, that invest in people”, Becker said.

Selo 100 anos

About the stamps
Altogether, 540 samples are going to be used in some correspondence sent by Feevale University, for an indefinite period. The material was printed at Casa da Moeda do Brasil (Brazil Mint). 


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