Migrant from Senegal lectures to students of Feevale’s Jovem Aprendiz Program | Universidade Feevale

Migrant from Senegal lectures to students of Feevale’s Jovem Aprendiz Program

25/10/2016 - Atualizado 16h44min
Esmel Luc Olivier Atchori spoke about the experiences of migrants and refugees in Brazil

On Friday, October 21, Esmel Luc Olivier Atchori, an immigrant from Senegal, spoke to about 30 teenagers who participate in Feevale’s Jovem Aprendiz program. In the activity, which took place at Feevale University (campus 2) and had the support of the project O mundo em NH: refugiados e migrantes, uma questão de Direitos Humanos, Atchori, who lives in Porto Alegre, told students about the experiences, obstacles and perspectives refugees and migrants are facing in Brazil.


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