Inovamundi | Universidade Feevale

About the event

Inovamundi is a program that seeks to stimulate the production, dissemination and discussion of scientific, technological and social knowledge developed in the university context.

Here you can stay up to date with the events involved in the program that will happen in the period from 06 to 14 November 2024.


Registration is open from June 20 to September 18 2024, at 9 pm.

The event provides opportunities for the production and dissemination of scientific and technological advances, generated in the scope of the Lato and Stricto Sensu Graduation and the Feevale Scientific Improvement Program, in the various areas of knowledge.


Registration is open from June 20 to September 18 2024, at 9 pm.

The event promotes the dissemination and exchange of research results, from the activities of undergraduate students, under the guidance of teachers, in all thematic areas.


Registration is open from June 20 to September 18 2024, at 9 pm.

It is an event that provides a space for socialization of actions aimed at the community and the results of these actions, enabling the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of knowledge produced with the University Extension.


Registration is open from June 20 to August 23 2024, at 9 pm.

The event brings together students and teachers of Basic Education, making it possible to socialize the advances of knowledge and research activities in the most diverse disciplines that integrate the curriculum. 


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