Feevale promotes preparatory meeting with future exchange students | Universidade Feevale

Feevale promotes preparatory meeting with future exchange students

29/07/2024 - Atualizado 13h43min

In the second semester of 2024, five students from the Institution will embark on study experiences in Germany, Finland, Italy, Portugal and Mexico

Encontro preparatório

Five students from Feevale University registered for exchanges that will take place in the second semester of 2024. They participated, on June 6th, at the Preparation Meeting for International Experience. At the event, promoted by Feevale's Directorate of International and Institutional Relations, the academics received psychological support from Patrícia Mendel, coordinator of the Institution's Inclusion and Accessibility Support Center (Naia).

The event aimed to help future exchange students prepare for the emotional challenges that may arise during the internationalization period. Furthermore, academic Carolina Zimmer, Electrical Engineering student and former exchange student at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, in Spain, shared important insights and practical advice for a successful adaptation abroad.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of Egali exchange agency, who provided guidance on planning the trip. Topics related to documentation, tickets, exchange rates and travel insurance were discussed. Students will embark on study experiences in Germany, Finland, Italy, Portugal and Mexico.


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