27/02/2018 - Atualizado 10h37min

Last Friday, February 23rd, Feevale University received Professors Roana Hansen and Jesper Hansen from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark. The professors came to strengthen the agreement, discuss the possibilities of joint actions, and meet the students Lucas Gazola Mugnol and Nicolas Bordignon Santos, candidates for graduate studies at SDU. The researchers were received by the Rector, Inajara Vargas Ramos; by the Director of International Affairs, Paula Casari Cundari: by the Director of the Pure Sciences and Technology Institute (ICET), Luis André Werlang: and by the professors Ewerton Cappelatti and Thiana Schmidt.
Professor Roana came to the University last year when she attended a workshop at Feevale Techpark. "Our collaboration began last year and we understand this partnership for student exchange, for cooperation in research and teaching. This is a very important agreement for SDU because of the exchange of knowledge between the countries, which strengthens internationalization, " she said.
"I'm getting ready to go, taking private classes to have an improvement and I'm very confident. In Denmark, I see I have several opportunities in my profession because electronics is their specialty. I'm anxious and very excited "said Mugnol, a candidate for a master's degree in Mechatronics at SDU.
"The professors of SDU were at the University to present the programs that can be shared with our students, professors, and community. Their presence reiterates the invitation for our academic community to look at the international network of Feevale and understand that these are spaces of the Institution in the south of Denmark ", said Paula.