Feevale academics are finalists in the biggest game development marathon in the world | Universidade Feevale

Feevale academics are finalists in the biggest game development marathon in the world

23/07/2024 - Atualizado 10h48min

Students created a game inspired by Tetris and Breakout


Seven students from Feevale University's Digital Games course were finalists in Gamejam+, the largest game development marathon in the world. The event, promoted by Games Dev Hub, involves nine thousand participants from 40 countries, and consists of a competition with six phases, including regional, national and global. The first of these took place in October last year, when developers from around the world formed groups and underwent a 42-hour immersion to create game prototypes, which should have classic games as a reference.

The group formed by João Arthur Rodrigues da Silva, Júlio Eduardo Soares, Pedro Tozzi de Avila, Pedro Augusto Bernardo Guilherme, Thiago José Avellaneda Techera, Arthur Luis Both and Lucas Soares Gonçalves, Feevale students, developed the game BLAST.OS, inspired by Tetris and Breakout. The game consists of defending a system, with the main character being an antivirus who shoots pellets to eliminate invading pieces.

In the second phase, held from October 2023 to January 2024, the groups underwent incubation, which offered mentoring with renowned professionals in the field. The next stage was to award finalist games from countries in the five regions of the world.

In the fourth phase, acceleration, which took place from March to May this year, the finalist groups went through a business-oriented process, making their projects viable products for the market. “We learned about pitch creation, artistic improvement and visual identity”, points out Pedro de Ávila, a member of the team, who was a world finalist.


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