Feevale exchange students show the Christmas atmosphere in the countries where they are studying this semester | Universidade Feevale

Feevale exchange students show the Christmas atmosphere in the countries where they are studying this semester

09/01/2025 - Atualizado 15/01/2025 10h46min

Students who are in four different countries photographed Christmas decorations

Students from Feevale University who were on exchange in other countries in the second semester of 2024 sent the Directorate of International and Institutional Relations (DRII) pictures of Christmas celebrations and decorations in the cities where they are living. “The Christmas atmosphere brings to mind comfort, hope and family, and students always point out how interesting it is to observe the different traditions in the cultures they are experiencing,” says director Paula Casari Cundari.

According to the person in charge of DRII, this is a special time when exchange students share stories and customs of this time of year. We can see that on the images sent by students Lara Sander Dhein, from the Psychology course, who is studying at the Otto von Guericke University (Magdeburg, Germany); Arthur Theodoro Lopes, of Digital Games, at Dongseo University (Busan, South Korea); Bernardo Müller da Rosa, of Architecture and Urbanism, at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy); and Samuel Pereira, of Mechanical Engineering, at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Leiria, Portugal).

Lara Crédito: Lara Sander Dhein

Samuel Crédito: Samuel Pereira

Bernardo Crédito: Bernardo Müller da Rosa

arthur Crédito: Arthur Theodoro Lopes


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