Feevale partner in the Netherlands promotes short-term exchange | Universidade Feevale

Feevale partner in the Netherlands promotes short-term exchange

02/03/2021 - Atualizado 13h25min

Business program is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students

intercâmbio países baixos

The Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, from the Netherlands, a partner of Feevale University, is open for enrollment for the short-term exchange program: European Summer School on Doing Business Across Europe, lasting three weeks and completely online. The course aims to give students a responsible vision of the future of business and covers current trends and issues.

The program will address business ethics, circular economy and entrepreneurship and innovation. The classes, which will take place from June 21st to July 10th of this year, will be in English and aimed at undergraduate and graduate students. Registrations is up to June 1st, by e-mail intercambio@feevale.br. More information at www.feevale.br/intercambiocurto.


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