Feevale receives the vice president of a Canadian University | Universidade Feevale

Feevale receives the vice president of a Canadian University

16/11/2017 - Atualizado 15h22min

Valerie Henitiuk, vice president and pro-rector of Education of Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE), is visiting the University and getting to know Feevale Techpark

The International Affairs Office of Feevale University receives Valerie Henitiuk, vice president and pro-rector of Education of Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE), in Canada. The Canadian authority comes the Novo Hamburgo to discuss the academic mobility between the two institutions, to get to know Feevale Techpark and to arrange a visit for some representatives of the Center for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR) of the CUE for October 2018. Moreover, Valerie intends to give a lecture about her area of research addressing the translation of inuktitut language and literature, the Canadian Inuit indigenous people. The representative of the University of Canada will be welcomed by the Director of International Affairs of the Institution, Paula Casari Cundari, and a professor of Feevale, Valeria Zanetti Ney, on November 22nd, at 10 o’clock, in room number 2 of the Rectory, Lilac building, Campus II of the University.


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