26/06/2018 - Atualizado 11h27min

Professor Marshal Lauzer presented the article On Inclusion, Transdisciplinarity and Design: Initial Studies on the Guarani Culture and Its Developments in a Multisensory Artifact Project, at the UD18 - 7th PhD Design Students’ Conference. The event was organized by University of Aveiro, Portugal, having as main theme Invisible Design. Professor Lauzer has been attending classes at Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa throughout this semester.
Lauzer attends the Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion of Feevale University. The professor studies are part of the SENSeBOOKs Project, conducted by Professor Regina Heidrich, and part of Abdias Nascimento Project, funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).
According to Lauzer, the event is important because it allows contact and exchange of experiences with researchers from different areas of design and from different backgrounds, to enable the exchange of knowledge and provide enriching discussions. "This will contribute not only to my research, but also to the experiences I will bring to the classroom," concludes the lecturer, who returns to his activities at Feevale next semester.