Feevale's social project is one of the finalists for the RS Education Award | Universidade Feevale

Feevale's social project is one of the finalists for the RS Education Award

17/10/2023 - Atualizado 12h45min

Professors associated with Sinpro/RS can vote for the finalists until October 11th

Prêmio Educação RS Rodrigo Waschburger

The judging committee for the RS Education Award announced on Monday, October the 2nd, the three finalists in each of the categories of this 26th edition: Professional, Project and Institution. The social project Da Rua Para Noia, from Feevale University, is a finalist in the Project category. Teachers associated with the Union of Private Education Teachers of Rio Grande do Sul (Sinpro/RS) can vote for the finalists until October 11th.

More than 20 thousand teachers associated with Sinpro/RS will choose the winners in an online vote, through a link sent by email by the entity. The members of the judging committee and the Union management also vote. The winners will be awarded the Pena Libertária statuette on the 20th of this month, during a ceremony that will take place in Porto Alegre.

About the Feevale’s Project

Da Rua Para Noia is one of the social projects developed by the Pro-rector of Research, Postgraduate Studies, and Extension (Proppex) at Feevale University. The goal is to promote health, human rights and citizenship of people living on the streets in Novo Hamburgo, contributing to social visibility and guaranteeing the population's rights. In 2022, 94 people benefited, with 144 individual and 37 collective services.


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