28/05/2018 - Atualizado 11h38min

Free Lectures Series takes place on June 13 and 14, at Feevale University
In a country of great territorial extension such as Brazil, the demand for renewable energies is a growing concern. Feevale University has a research project that investigates the production of decentralized energy, that is, independent of large generating systems: Development of new devices for hybrid systems with renewable sources. In June, renowned researchers will be at Feevale University for lectures on Systems of hybrid generation of energy from renewable sources study and design. The event will take place on June 13 and 14, in the Blue Building auditorium, Campus II of the Institution (ERS-239, 2755, Novo Hamburgo).
The event will present the results from the research project, which is coordinated by Professor Moisés de Mattos Dias. It will also deal with various topics, such as biogas, electric car, solar energy and others. One of the lectures will focus on the development, by Feevale University, as a pioneer university in the region, of two photovoltaic modules - equipment that transform the sunlight into electrical energy - from commercial components. The event will be composed by several international researchers, such as Klaus Dieter Lietzmann, director of the EAB New Energy company, Alejandro Varez Alvarez, professor at Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain, and Edwin Ariel Segura Gonzalez, professor at the Interamerican University, Panama.
A workshop on Devices for hybrid systems with renewable sources will be available on June 14 from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. This workshop will be organized and conducted by Professor Dias, aiming to strengthen contact with companies in renewable energy, enabling future partnerships for the production and marketing of hybrid devices systems.
The event is addressed to undergraduate and graduate students, researchers from renewable energy, companies from the sector and other interested parties. Free registration through www.feevale.br/ciclodepalestras2018. The project has the support of the Economic Development, Science and Technology Secretary of Rio Grande do Sul State (SDECT). More information at projetos@feevale.com or (51) 3586-8822.