Paula Cundari represents Feevale at event in the United States | Universidade Feevale

Paula Cundari represents Feevale at event in the United States

17/05/2018 - Atualizado 10h24min

Feevale University International Affairs Director, Paula Casari Cundari, will attend the annual Nafsa: Association of International Educators conference in Philadelphia, USA. Paula will verify the possibility of new agreements and scholarships, in addition to attending meetings with partner universities in North and South America, Europe and Asia. The event will take place from May 27 to June 2 and will bring together approximately 9,000 professionals from 100 countries in the area of international education. Besides opportunities for networking and exchange of experiences, participants will debate strategies to implement curricula in multicultural classes, develop practices that bring global perspectives to the classroom, and prepare students to work in multifaceted environments.


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