Scholarships in Europe are open for applications | Universidade Feevale

Scholarships in Europe are open for applications

01/03/2021 - Atualizado 13h33min

Courses will take place in Italy or London, starting in 2022

bolsas europa Londres e Itália

Enrollment for partial scholarship programs in Europe is now available through CUOA Business School in Italy and Pearson College London in London. The courses are in Business Strategy & Marketing Management; Operations, Logistics & Lean Management; and Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, at the Italian university, and Contemporary Topics in Business Strategy, at the English university.

The courses will last three weeks in January or July 2022 or, in January 2023. The objective is to offer the student the opportunity to deepen knowledge in several areas of Administration during the vacation period, together with the development of the English language and international experience.

The programs will be entirely in English, will offer a visit to the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), both in Switzerland, and will have full-time classes and activities. The program at Pearson College London offers a free Business English module. Enrollment runs until March 7th. More information at or by e-mail


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