Undergraduate students can apply for scholarships on virtual exchange programs in the United States | Universidade Feevale

Undergraduate students can apply for scholarships on virtual exchange programs in the United States

04/12/2020 - Atualizado 11h10min

Registration for the Virtual International Experiences program can be made until January 4th

united states

Registration is open for scholarships on the Virtual International Experiences, promoted by the educational institutions of the United States University of Washington, University of Illinois, and Indiana University, in partnership with the company

Campus b. The training aims to select students from the areas of Business, Marketing, Economics, and their related fields, for the short-term virtual exchange programs that will take place from January to May 2021. Campus b will offer 34 full scholarships, which will be eligible for students regularly enrolled in the areas listed above. The short-term exchange aims to enable students to participate in the Leadership, Business & Communities, Business Honours, and Global Awareness programs offered by U.S. institutions.

The program will be carried out entirely through virtual means, in the period chosen by each institution, being the University of Illinois from January 25 to May 3; the University of Washington from January 26 to March 9; and Indiana University, from February 10 to March 5. Students who are interested in the program can register until January 4, through the website campusb.typeform.com/to/vBVRAR7. Other information can be obtained www.feevale.br/bolsainternacional website or by email intercambio@feevale.br.

About Campus b
The organization aims to offer the student an educational experience that gives them the opportunity to develop a real view of global issues. Since 2010, the company has been a link that promotes and sustains a global network of students, teachers, educational institutions, companies, problems, solutions, questions and answers.


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