Book on water and health in the Americas has pre-launch in Morocco | Universidade Feevale

Book on water and health in the Americas has pre-launch in Morocco

19/10/2023 - Atualizado 10h24min

The work has a chapter written with the collaboration of professor Fernando Spilki, who is in the African country participating in an intercontinental conference

Spilki 3

The virologist and Pro-rector of Research, Postgraduate and Extension at Feevale University, Fernando Spilki, participates, until this Friday, 29th, in the 2nd African Conference and 1st South-South Conference on Harm Reduction to Health, in Morocco . During the event, the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (Ianas) held the pre-launch of the book Water and Health in the Americas. Produced by the network's Water and Health study group, the work has a chapter in collaboration with Feevale, entitled Present data and prospects for environmental surveillance of waterborne viruses and water-related viral diseases.

Written in collaboration between Fernando Spilki, Viviane Girardi, Juliana Schons Gularte and Meriane Demoliner, the chapter reviews the current state of virus monitoring in waters and the possibilities for the future of this type of water quality investigation. “Over the years, cooperation between Ianas members in the area of water and health has built publications that are a solid base of knowledge for scientists, decision makers and society in general”, explains Spilki.

The book Water and Health in the Americas is available for download, free of charge, via the link


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