Climate Action and Floods in Focus at Feevale Environment Week | Universidade Feevale

Climate Action and Floods in Focus at Feevale Environment Week

05/06/2024 - Atualizado 16h57min

semana do meio ambiente

To mark World Environment Day, Feevale University and the Feevale Application School are hosting Environment Week 2024, running from June 3rd to 7th. This year's theme focuses on climate action and the recent floods that devastated Rio Grande do Sul in May. The week aims to raise awareness and inspire action among students, faculty, and the community regarding environmental care and sustainability.

A variety of free activities are offered throughout the week, including: Open classes and lectures; Interactive activities: Participate in engaging activities to learn about caring for the environment in a fun and interactive way; Exhibitions; Waste collection, and Panel discussions: Engage in discussions with experts on topics like the ethnic-racial profile in the floods and the link between air pollution and Type 2 Diabetes.

The event is organized by the vice rectory of Research, Postgraduate and Extension at Feevale, through social projects, postgraduate programs and undergraduate courses.

Check the schedule:

Monday – June 3rd

  • 7:30PM: open class Urban solid waste (MSW): a focus on composting, with doctoral student Thais Fátima Rodrigues, from the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Quality and professor Suelen Bomfim Nobre. Online activity, through the link
  • 7:30PM: lecture Climate action and disinformation: the case of the RS 2024 floods, with professor Alisson Coelho. Online activity, through the link
  • 8PM: presentation of a proposed sectoral plan for Novo Hamburgo in the area of the environment, with professor Maria Regina Rau de Souza and student authors of the work. Online activity, through the link

Tuesday and Thursday – June 4th and 6th

  • 12PM: interactive activities to care for the environment, on Rua Coberta do Campus II

Wednesday – June 5th

  • 6PM: open class Climate change education in the Anthropocene: analyzing ecopedagogical strategies, with professor Suelen Bomfim Nobre and master's student Priscila Maria Souza da Silva, from the PPG in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion. Online activity, through the link
  • 7PM: panel And after the disaster? Nature and science, an assertive reconstruction, with professors from the PPG in Environmental Quality and from the Architecture and Urbanism, Interior Design and Civil Engineering courses. Online activity, broadcast via the link
  • 7:30PM: lecture The ethnic-racial profile in the RS 2024 flood, with the president of Sociedade Cruzeiro do Sul, Deives da Silva. Online activity, through the link

Thursday - June 6

  • 9:15AM: lecture Association of environmental exposure of air pollutants with Type 2 Diabetes, with nutritionist Morgana Aline Weber. Online activity, through the link
  • 3PM: lecture Reflections on the impacts of solid waste on the environment, with professor Vanusca Dalosto Jahno. Online activity, through the link

Friday – June 7th

  • 6PM: recording of the podcast Remains: memories and images to think about the city today, which will analyze the films Lixo Extraordinário and Ilha das Flores, with professor Júlio César Herbstrith. The activity will take place in the glass room located on Rua Coberta do Câmpus II

Monday to Friday - June 3rd to 7th

  • 9AM to 5PM: exhibition of activities carried out by the Internal Environmental Management Group (Giga), at Rua Cobert, Câmpus II
  • 9AM to 5PM: collection of electronic waste, at Rua Coberta do Câmpus II
  • 9AM to 5PM: collection of caps, sponges, cooking oil and office supplies, at Rua Coberta do Câmpus II
  • 1PM to 4PM: activity What can I do in my sector to contribute to Feevale's environmental management?, aimed at employees of the Institution, upon sector registration via the link

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