Feevale and chinese university renew cooperation agreement | Universidade Feevale

Feevale and chinese university renew cooperation agreement

28/01/2025 - Atualizado 14h24min


Since 2012, Feevale has a partnership with Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University

On Tuesday, the 14th, the international cooperation agreement between Feevale University and Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University, located in Nanchang, China, was renewed. Rector José Paulo da Rosa signed the document, which outlines the development of joint initiatives in teaching, research, community engagement, and faculty and student mobility.

The partnership between the universities has been in place since 2012, and this year, the Chinese institution aims to provide its students with greater exposure to the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture. Paula Casari Cundari, Feevale’s Director of International and Institutional Relations, was present at the signing ceremony.


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