Feevale joins international research network on water treatment | Universidade Feevale

Feevale joins international research network on water treatment

27/05/2021 - Atualizado 10h06min

Institution from Novo Hamburgo is part of the group based on research carried out jointly with the University of Buenos Aires


Feevale University has signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). The agreement is the result of research led by Professor Marco Antônio Siqueira Rodrigues, coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Materials Technology and Industrial Processes at Feevale, and by Professor Graziela González, from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at UBA.

The study is part of an international research network called Membrane Processes as the best available techniques for water and input reuse - Aquamemtec, which seeks to create international cooperation on the topic of water reuse and treatment. Rodrigues explains that the research explores the processes of separation by membranes, which are evaluated for specific cases of effluents and wastewater.

“The objective is to establish hybrid treatment lines, which apply one or more treatment processes, aiming to achieve the highest possible water recovery rate”, says Rodrigues. In addition to Feevale and UBA, the network is composed of seven research groups from Ibero-American universities, whose projects are funded by the Ibero-American Programme on Science and Technology for Development (Cyted). The network also counts on 10 companies so that the theme is marked out from the perspective of demand and the search for viable solutions in the economic and technological field.

For the professor, approving the project in an international call for funding of research projects with Cyted demonstrates the scientific maturity of Feevale's graduate program.

The development of this type of research network allows students in the program to interact directly with researchers from other countries, as well as the possibility of conducting research stays at universities participating in the project”, he emphasizes.

In addition to strengthening the University's academic cooperation with institutions in neighboring countries, the partnership between Feevale and UBA allows the exchange of professors at the two universities, with the purpose of conducting conferences, collaborative research and participation in undergraduate and graduate courses. In addition, it enables joint realization and promotion of scientific studies and projects on topics of common interest, promotion of scientific and cultural events and the co-supervision of master's dissertations and doctoral theses.


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