Feevale professors participate in the organization of an art congress in Spain | Universidade Feevale

Feevale professors participate in the organization of an art congress in Spain

18/07/2019 - Atualizado 13h52min

poster congresso
Three professors from Feevale University are assisting in the organization of the Congress Memory Visuals and Narratives: urban space, nature, migration, technology and gender, which will take place in November, at the University of Murcia, Spain. Professor Laura Rueda participates in the organizing committee; Marinês Kunz and Lurdi Blauth are part of the scientific committee of the event. The congress is focused on undergraduate and graduate students of Visual Arts, Communication, Literature, Education, Philosophy and people interested in the areas of contemporary art, communication and interculturality.

Location: University of Murcia, Spain

Opening: November 27th, 28th and 29th

Presentation modalities: communication, poster and virtual communication

Enrollment in the link: https://casiopea.um.es/cursospe//internacionalarteii.f


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