Feevale reinforces support for the mental health of exchange students | Universidade Feevale

Feevale reinforces support for the mental health of exchange students

09/10/2024 - Atualizado 13h51min

Through the Inclusion and Accessibility Support Center, the Institution offers psychological support to students

Setembro Amarelo DRII

In reference to Yellow September, suicide prevention awareness month, the Directory of International and Institutional Relations (DRII) at Feevale University highlighted the importance of mental health during the exchange process. Considering that the international experience can involve emotional challenges, such as homesickness, cultural adaptation and academic pressure, DRII counts on a partnership with Feevale Inclusion and Accessibility Support Center (Naia).

The goal is to ensure that students can live the exchange experience with emotional balance and safety, providing a welcoming environment for them to share feelings and seek help, if necessary. Naia works directly with the psychological support of students, helping them to feel more prepared to deal with emotional adversities that may arise during the exchange.

The University also holds every semester the Preparation Meeting for International Experience, aimed at students with exchange programs scheduled for the following months, with the aim of orienting them for that experience. The last edition of the event featured the participation of Naia, who spoke to academics about mental health, reinforcing the importance of students' emotional well-being and offering psychological support before and during the experience abroad. Furthermore, the Institution encourages students to maintain frequent contact with their support networks, such as family and friends, and creates spaces for exchange students to exchange experiences.


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