Feevale’s international partners are part of the European Union network | Universidade Feevale

Feevale’s international partners are part of the European Union network

12/03/2021 - Atualizado 16h51min

The consortium's objective is to provide with the necessary skills so that students, researchers and the community can face the challenges of the future


Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), from Portugal, and Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hamk), from Finland, Feevale’s international partners, have been part of Run-EU (The Regional University Network – European University) since 2020. Led by IPL, eight educational institutions located outside the metropolitan areas were benefited by the consortium.

The European funding is aimed at developing teaching-learning actions, new international study programs (short-term and flexible), research cooperation projects, and double or multiple European degrees in training programs. Run-EU also seeks to guarantee economic, social, cultural and sustainable progress in the regions covered by the network, providing the necessary skills so that students, researchers and the community can face the challenges of the future.

Feevale University has been developing, for more than a decade, several teaching, research, extension and innovation projects with Hamk and IPL. Part of the joint actions submitted by the two institutions to the European consortium began to be discussed in Novo Hamburgo, in 2019, during the celebrations of Feevale's and its sponsor’s 50th anniversary, Higher Education Association in Novo Hamburgo (Associação Pró-Ensino Superior em Novo Hamburgo - Aspeur).


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