Parceiros internacionais da Feevale oferecem intercâmbios na área da saúde | Universidade Feevale

Feevale's international partners offer exchanges in the health area

18/10/2021 - Atualizado 21h05min

Universities from the United States and Portugal offer qualification for Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Nutrition students


Applications for two short-term exchange programs, offered by international partners of Feevale University in the United States and Portugal, are open until October 20th. They are aimed at academics of courses in the health area. The selection of students will happen through public notices available at

For Medicine students, the exchange is offered by the University of South Florida, in the United States, from January 17th to February 16th, 2022. The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, in Portugal, will allow, from February 28th to March18th, the qualification for Nursing, Physiotherapy and Nutrition students.

Both courses offer participants the opportunity for clinical experiences and follow-up in patient care. More information can be obtained by the e-mail


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