Fernando Spilki spoke about viral diseases during an African conference | Universidade Feevale

Fernando Spilki spoke about viral diseases during an African conference

19/10/2023 - Atualizado 10h59min

Pro-rector of Feevale University was invited to an event with the theme of Health in Africa, which takes place in September, in Morocco


The virologist and Pro-rector of Research, Postgraduate and Extension at Feevale University, Fernando Spilki, participated in the 2nd African Conference and 1st South-South Conference on Harm Reduction to Health, in Morocco. With the theme Health in Africa: water, environment and food security, the event took place from September 27th to 29th, at the Congress Palace, in Marrakech. The activity is promoted by the Moroccan Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the African Global Health Association (AGH), among other institutions.

During the event, Spilki spoke about Viral contaminants of water and food, and the development of viral vaccines. The purpose was to demonstrate how the Americas work to create cooperation and research networks in water and health, mainly through the work of the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (Ianas), and how this model could be replicated in Africa. Furthermore, the results of research on waterborne viral diseases were demonstrated.

In the professor’s opinion, the event mainly provided the exchange of information and the opportunity to compare the situation in different countries, as well as the exchange of research protocols and approaches.

It also brought the possibility of producing productions together, which serve as an information base for decision makers, that is, governments and people responsible for regulating water quality and health services, for example. It is in this sense that we show the strength that research can have”, explains Spilki.


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