Registration for a free business course at a German institution | Universidade Feevale

Registration for a free business course at a German institution

03/03/2021 - Atualizado 13h42min

Training hosted by IST-Hochschule integrates Feevale's Short-term Exchange program

intercâmbio alemão

Registration is now open for the free online course The Business Simulation and Online Company Project, hosted by IST-Hochschule, a partner of Feevale University in Düsseldorf, Germany. The training, which is part of the Short-Term Exchange program, starts in April this year and includes a virtual classroom with German and international partners that decide together on management issues. The objective is to qualify students in making entrepreneurial decisions, using data from market analysis, costs and resources, and train them to manage business projects in small companies, such as startups.

The course, aimed at Feevale academics, has 15 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and lasts approximately three months (expected to be completed in June 2021). The course, taught in English, can be taken in parallel with regular studies. More information at Registrations by e-mail


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