Representatives from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria fulfill an agenda at Feevale | Universidade Feevale

Representatives from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria fulfill an agenda at Feevale

17/06/2024 - Atualizado 13h43min

Institutions keep an international cooperation agreement for teaching and student mobility, and research development

Recepção IPL

Representatives from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, from Portugal, were at Feevale University this Thursday, 25th, for a series of engagements with the Institution. During the morning, Dina Amaro, director of International Relations at IPL, and Naide Martins, from the Mobility and International Cooperation Office, gave the lecture called “Studying and living in Portugal” to students at Feevale Application School and, afterwards, visited the National Museum of Footwear, located on Campus I.

In the afternoon, they were welcomed by the director of International and Institutional Relations at Feevale, Paula Casari Cundari, by the director of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Luis Henrique Rauber, by the coordinator of the Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Cultural Processes and Manifestations, Daniel Conte, and by professors Everton Rodrigo Santos and Saraí Schmidt, from the PPG in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion, and also by PPG Cultural Processes and Manifestations.

Paula pointed out that the visitors came to Brazil to fulfill, in São Paulo, an agenda of activities in international education. “As the Leiria Polytechnic Institute is one of our main international partners, it was important to take advantage of their presence to learn about updates on the IPL and to share what we have been developing with Portugal”, she said.

Dina stated that both institutions play an increasingly important role in academic internationalization. "We, as international partners, have a duty to try - through the exchanges, research and projects we develop in higher education - to create a better future for the next generations", he indicated.

Recepção IPL 2

After the reception, the visitors met with PPG professors of Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion to discuss research projects that the two universities have together. Later, they met with Nursing and Nutrition students from Feevale, who are preparing for the Observership program, in which they will exchange for the IPL. Finally, Dina and Naide participated in a class on the Tourism and Gastronomy courses, where they spoke about opportunities to work in Portugal, for both areas.


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