Students from the School of Application have a cultural gastronomic experience with an exchange student from Hamk | Universidade Feevale

Students from the School of Application have a cultural gastronomic experience with an exchange student from Hamk

16/10/2023 - Atualizado 13h23min

Activity was part of the training itinerary Use the lengua – English

Use the langua

In September, students at Use the lengua – English training itinerary at the Feevale Application School – welcomed exchange student Daniel Mitrovic, who studies at Hamk - Häme University of Applied Sciences, in Finland. The Slovak, who is in an exchange program at Feevale University, shared his knowledge and experiences related to gastronomic culture.

On this occasion, the students were able to learn a little about the Slavic and Nordic culinary tradition and, in return, Daniel tasted typical Latin cuisine dishes that are common on the North American menu prepared by the students. Tacos, burritos, guacamole, salsas, and enchiladas were served to the guest. Professors Cíntia de Moura Pinto and Otávio Botelho Rosa, responsible for the itinerary, highlighted the importance of gastronomy as a representative element of any culture and how it brings people together, becoming an important instrument for internationalization.


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