University of Denmark will offer summer exchange in different areas of knowledge | Universidade Feevale

University of Denmark will offer summer exchange in different areas of knowledge

04/03/2021 - Atualizado 13h50min

Classes will take place in August this year, if sanitary conditions allow

intercambio de verão dinamarca

The University of Southern Denmark, a partner of Feevale University, is now open for enrollment for the short-term exchange program SDU International Summer School 2021. There are 27 courses, with on-site classes at the Danish institution, in the areas of Engineering, Science, Business and Social Sciences.

The courses will be free for Feevale students, but accommodation, travel, food, among other costs, will be paid for by those interested. The classes, taught in English, will take place between the 9th and 20th of August this year, if the sanitary conditions to face the pandemic allow, with registrations until May 1st. More information at or by e-mail


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