Feevale and Ecuadorian University will develop projects in Personalized Medicine field | Universidade Feevale

Feevale and Ecuadorian University will develop projects in Personalized Medicine field

16/09/2020 - Atualizado 14h

laboratório toxicologia

Cooperation agreement with Universidad de Cuenca foresees to do joint scientific research

Feevale University and the Universidad de Cuenca of Ecuador have signed a cooperation agreement to promote activities and projects together. The agreement establishes the partnership in scientific research, the training of Feevale professors for graduate students from the Universidad de Cuenca, and the dissemination and transfer of science, knowledge and technology, among other actions. The aim is to contribute to institutional development, increasing the teaching capacity and the expansion of scientific research in both institutions.

According to the coordinator of the Master's degree in Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis at Feevale, Rafael Linden, the agreement specifically involves the program, since the negotiations for this partnership started from the approach in research projects conducted by him, professor Marina Antunes, and professor Andrés Andrade, of the Escuela de Medicina of the Universidad de Cuenca. "The Ecuadorian group is interested in implementing, in its laboratories, the methodologies for individualization of doses of chemotherapy agents used in the treatment of cancer, which were developed by Feevale’s research group, and that have resulted in several international publications," he explains. "Once the conditions for international travel are restored, visits from researchers and technicians from both institutions will be promoted for the development of joint projects in the area of personalized medicine," he says.

About the Universidad de Cuenca

Founded in 1867, the Universidad de Cuenca is a teaching and research public university, which has the mission of training professionals and scientists committed to improving the quality of life, in the context of interculturality, as well as in harmony with nature. The University is based on academic quality, creativity and innovation, along with the ability to respond to the scientific and human challenges of its time, and to achieve its commitment to building a regional, national and international society that is equitable, supportive and efficient.


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