Feevale Application School welcomes New Zealand student for exchange program | Universidade Feevale

Feevale Application School welcomes New Zealand student for exchange program

17/06/2024 - Atualizado 19h41min

Jade Tayla Bean will study at the school until the end of this semester

Estudante internacional

Feevale Application School welcomes, until the end of the semester, the New Zealand student Jade Tayla Bean. The exchange was promoted through the World Organization for Intercultural Education, which offers intercultural education opportunities. Study abroad programs cover timely and timeless topics, such as sustainability and language learning.

Jade highlights that she was well received at the school by teachers and students. “When I arrived in Brazil, I thought that the school would be a big challenge for me. The environment here is very caring, motivating and fun. I still miss New Zealand, but Brazil has a piece of my heart now”, she explains.

Geraldine Thomas da Silva Juchem, teacher at Feevale Application School, explains that the experience has been interesting for teachers and students at the Institution. “Students are having the opportunity to learn about New Zealand’s culture. Jade has also challenged herself to understand Portuguese language, our culture and customs. These are very relevant moments of exchange for everyone”, she highlights.


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