Menstrual education in Brazil on the agenda in Mexico | Universidade Feevale

Menstrual education in Brazil on the agenda in Mexico

17/06/2024 - Atualizado 14h22min

Feevale researcher shares her experiences at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma

Caroline Willig

Last week, researcher Caroline Luiza Willig, a doctoral student in Cultural Processes and Manifestations at Feevale University, gave a lecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Unam), in Mexico City, called “Anticolonial and intersectional menstrual education: experiences with the public education network in Brazil to Mexico”. The activity addressed experiences in Brazil with its academic performance theme, menstrual dignity in school territory.

The lecture was open to the public and included a variety of participants interested in taking actions to combat prejudice in Mexico, exchanging knowledge and strengthening existing practices. Caroline is a member of the group Children in the Media: research in Communication, Education and Culture. Caroline presented her research and practices that she has been carrying out with teachers from the Municipal Education Network of Novo Hamburgo on topics that seek to deconstruct stigmas and build policies that respect the human rights of menstruating women. This work is part of the Anti-Discrimination Education agreement between the University and the City Hall.

Another important point of the activity was the presentation of the path that the researcher will develop with the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN) in Cuernavaca, through the Doctorate-Sandwich Program Abroad (PDSE) of the Foundation Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), in which Caroline proposes the exchange of knowledge and actions on the Brazil-Mexico axis, under the guidance of professors Saraí Patrícia Schmidt, from Feevale, and Ruth Belinda Bustos Córdova, from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

The meeting was part of a circuit of conversation circles about menstruation that take place monthly at Unam, promoted by the Dirección General de Orientación y Atención Educativa (DGOAE).


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