Feevale professor has a book published in the United States and Europe | Universidade Feevale

Feevale professor has a book published in the United States and Europe

03/06/2020 - Atualizado 02/06/2020 15h14min

Fábio Piran is a professor at the Institution's Production Engineering course


The book Analysis and management of efficiency: application in productive systems of goods and services, by Fábio Sartori Piran, professor at Feevale University, was published in Brazil by Elsevier, one of the six most important scientific publishers in the world. In January of this year, the book was recognized internationally and released by Taylor & Francis in the United States and Europe. It is also expected that the book will be published in Asia, China and India.

The publication presents, in a didactic way, techniques for calculating the efficiency of productive systems, through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In the book, Piran, together with authors Daniel Pacheco Lacerda and Luis Felipe Riehs Camargo, explains the Modeling Method in DEA, developed by the researchers and used for the application of the techniques shown in the book. In addition, the group created a software, called System for Analysis and Management of Productivity and Efficiency (Sistema para Análise e Gestão da Produtividade e Eficiência – Sagepe), to perform the mathematical calculation.

What drew attention to the book being published internationally was precisely because it is a complete material. It explains, in detail, the DEA technique, presents a method and step by step on how to use the software to perform the calculation. In addition, it shows five real cases of application and their results”, Piran says. “It is surprising and positive to have a book published internationally, as it is not common for Brazilians to publish abroad”, the professor of the Production Engineering course at Feevale adds.


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