Feevale University delivers aid to flood-stricken cities by air and ground | Universidade Feevale

Feevale University delivers aid to flood-stricken cities by air and ground

16/05/2024 - Atualizado 09h48min

Missões humanitárias

Around 600 lunch boxes, prepared by volunteers and gathered by Feevale, were delivered by helicopter to a Havan store in Guaíba for stranded families. Another shipment of basic food baskets was delivered to a support point in Eldorado do Sul, a city accessible only by air. Rector Cleber Prodanov accompanied these missions, which originated from Feevale Campus I, which has served as a base for helicopters transporting people and supplies.

"We were privileged to participate in these missions, bringing supplies to those in need," Prodanov said. "The University is fully supportive and actively involved in this community effort to alleviate the suffering in our devastated state."

On the same day, volunteers from Feevale's Gastronomy course prepared around 800 lunch boxes with rice, beans, and potato tortilla with sardines, which were delivered to the Fenac shelter in Novo Hamburgo. For dinner, another 1,100 lunch boxes, this time made with Bolognese pasta, are planned for production. These meals are added to another 3,600 that have been prepared at the Institution and distributed to families at Fenac since Monday.

Various areas of the University have mobilized to meet the demands of families affected by the floods and shelters in the region. The Dental Clinic at Feevale's Campus II now offers emergency dental services for children, adults, and seniors. Appointments can be made via WhatsApp (51) 3586-9234. The Fashion course produced dog beds for animals rescued at Campus I and Fenac.

In addition, the Molecular Microbiology Laboratory is making the following tests available free of charge to the city halls of the affected cities: Sars-CoV2, Influenza A, Influenza B, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Dengue, Chikungunya, and Enteric Viruses (Norovirus, Hepatitis A virus, etc.). More information can be obtained by emailing tecnologico@feevale.br.

In conclusion, Feevale University is making a significant contribution to the relief efforts in flood-stricken areas through various initiatives.

Missões humanitárias em Guaíba e Eldorado do Sul


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