Feevale courses promote and participate in actions to help the community affected by the flood. | Universidade Feevale

Feevale courses promote and participate in actions to help the community affected by the flood.

16/05/2024 - Atualizado 17/05/2024 11h27min

Different areas of the University are mobilized to attend the needs of families affected

Ações Moda

In response to the recent floods that have devastated the region, several courses at Feevale University are mobilizing to provide assistance to the affected community.

The Pharmacy course, for example, will begin handling repellents that will be part of the University Pharmacy's product range. It also promotes the organization of a pharmaceutical shift and medication handling for the shelter set up in the gymnasium of the Feevale Elementary School and for the Integrated Center for Health Specialties (CIES) and the organization of medicines donated by students.

The Nursing course is actively involved in care at CIES and at the Campus I shelter. Academics and professors organize the flow of care services, welcoming patients, checking signs, rapid dengue tests, serum therapy, dressings, administration of medications and referral to medical appointments when necessary.

Actions were also promoted for the Fashion course, which produces, with the help of volunteers, alumni and students, beds, collars and leashes for pets, underwear, toiletries and blankets from donations collected.

The Chiropractic course is dedicated, through academics and Professors, to the Ajuste Solidário campaign, which promotes assistance to volunteers who work in the various shelters in the region. The Physiotherapy course works together with volunteers, providing care to people in shelters who have mobility restrictions and need respiratory physiotherapy.

The Journalism graduate program promotes a campaign to check rumors circulating on social media. The initiative receives information via Instagram and has course students acting as volunteers. The information is verified and divided into three large groups: false, fact or inaccurate. The findings are published on Instagram @deixavirgula.


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