Feevale University Provides Multifaceted Support to Flood-Stricken Families at Fenac Shelter | Universidade Feevale

Feevale University Provides Multifaceted Support to Flood-Stricken Families at Fenac Shelter

16/05/2024 - Atualizado 09h36min

Families affected by the floods who are sheltering at Fenac in Novo Hamburgo are receiving support from Feevale University in various areas.


The Institution made its motorhome available, equipped for healthcare services requiring privacy, and mobilized academics and medical professors to support the care provided by doctors and volunteers. Additionally, the Pharmacy course helps dispense medicines; Psychology supports the psychological well-being of sheltered people; the Gastronomy department prepares lunch boxes delivered to the location; and Law offers legal support, particularly regarding labor law. Law also made the Legal Practices Center available for guidance on civil matters via email nucleo@feevale.br, such as the calamity withdrawal from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) and health insurance for properties acquired through the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program.

abrigo Fenac

On the afternoon of Monday, the 6th, rector Cleber Prodanov visited Fenac to provide support to the volunteer teams. The following day, he participated in the production of Bolognese pasta lunch boxes. "It's great to see the efforts of employees, employees' families, students, and alumni of Feevale, who are committed to decentralizing Novo Hamburgo's kitchens to serve a greater number of people," Prodanov points out. "We have already surpassed the mark of three thousand meals produced, and we are working all day with great pleasure and desire to help." Between this Monday and Tuesday, a team of 30 volunteers has already prepared more than 3,600 lunch boxes.


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