Feevale’s professor teaches at a master's program in German | Universidade Feevale

Feevale’s professor teaches at a master's program in German

27/11/2020 - Atualizado 11h04min

Maristela Mercedes Bauer is a guest lecturer at universität Regensbur


Maristela Mercedes Bauer, professor of Accounting at Feevale University, has been teaching as a guest lecturer since 2015 at the Universität Regensburg in Germany. Maristela will teach, by December 16, through the Zoom platform, the Integrated Reporting course for students of the Master's degree in Finance, Accounting and Auditing of that German institution.

During the course, which is taught in English, the professor addresses topics such as Corporate Social Responsibility, the new standards for the sustainability report of Global Reporting Inititative (GRI), and the new corporate report model, The Integrated Reporting.

As this is a relatively new field, the integrated report has already been prepared by publicly traded companies located in Brazil and worldwide. It covers financial and non-financial information about the social, environmental, financial and governance performance of companies, directed to investors and other stakeholders," explains Maristela.


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